Document 1976 DOCN M94A1976 TI Homeless people in Rio de Janeiro--a strategy to care. DT 9412 AU Carvalho N; Lahire D; Carvalho-Linhares MI; Santos V; Ambulatorio da Providencia da Arquidiocese do Rio de Janeiro,; Brasil. SO Int Conf AIDS. 1994 Aug 7-12;10(1):409 (abstract no. PD0244). Unique Identifier : AIDSLINE ICA10/94370599 AB OBJECTIVE: Homeless people are a vulnerable group whose lifestyles place them at high risk for contraction and transmission of HIV and others STD's. HP are on street, most eat and sleep irregularly, can't maintain proper hygiene, being subjected to repeated illness and infections, which may lower their resistance to AIDS. They are sexually active (and get money on it), vulnerable to alcohol and drugs: under this circunstances they don't choose sexual partners and don't protect themselves even when share needles. Ambulatorio da Providencia staff coordenates the Santo Antonio Support House who has as customers: male/female prostitutes, IVDU transvesties, gay men, beggars, street kids, ex-convicts; their day to day life require to take risks to find food, shelter and make money. METHODS: SASH, the first one in Rio de Janeiro, offers to these HP: 60 beds, meals, medicines needs, medical, emotional, psychosocial and religious support, occupational therapist and voluntary people. SASH, has been maintened through financial resources of Archdiocese of RJ. The patients come from Municipal, State Hospitals, charitable organizations. In SASH they have oportunity to learn a job, occupational therapy, talk oppenly in group and individually about drugs, Aids, sexual behaviour, STD's, getting more information about prevention. RESULTS: After one year observing, they increase selfsteem, their health are steady, diminish oportunistic infections, they changed sexual/drugs/alcohol behaviour. DISCUSSION: To prevent HIV among HP a national policy must be set. HP are victims of a social-political-economic system. Our experience shows that they have been abused morally and sexually. Society and communities must responds, care and help trying to decrease this situation. DE Brazil Female *Homeless Persons Human HIV Infections/EPIDEMIOLOGY/*PREVENTION & CONTROL/TRANSMISSION Male Prostitution Risk Factors Sex Behavior Urban Population MEETING ABSTRACT SOURCE: National Library of Medicine. NOTICE: This material may be protected by Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.Code).